Atlanta may have the busiest air hub, but the Bowen had the coolest hanger because the North Georgia Model Aviators were back! Twenty-five NGMA Members featured over 60 model aircraft from January 15 to February 19, 2022.
The Bowen sky was full of planes, all runways will be busy with touch and goes, and every tie down will have another incredible bird. Visitors toured with docents to learn the exciting art of building and flying these crafts. Docents welcomed guests, answered questions and helped them man the NGMA “Getting Started/Flight Training” Station that will include a flight simulator and lots of information on getting started in the hobby. They learned the types of training models and view the Member’s starter aircraft, complete with all the bumps and bruises of learning to fly.
Featured lectures and demonstrations were held every Saturday to educate and delight. These open forums encouraged questions, which led to instructive tours and information.
AND this year, Atlanta Hobby has donated an AeroScout S2 1.1mRTF to raffle Saturday, February 19th. This year’s lucky winner was Dennis Greenway. Shown at left are Greg English, Michael Smallwood and
• January 15 Engineer, Richard Rider demonstrated his hand built 3D printing machine he designed to make airplane parts, and he showed the several aircraft he has completed and one that is in process.
• January 22 Michael Smallwood provided a demo of FPV (First Person View) flying and also teach some basics of the art.
• January 29 at 1:00pm, Bob Marks demonstrated basic electronic components required to control an RC aircraft for persons new to the hobby. He showed how the ground transmitter is linked to the aircraft receiver, and how the signals are delivered to the servo motors that control flight surfaces.
• February 5 Engineer, Richard Rider again demonstrated his hand built 3D printing machine.
• February 12 Michael Smallwood provided a demo of FPV (First Person View)
flying and also teach the basics of this art.
Our thanks go out to Event Coordinators Michael Smallwood and Greg English as well as all the participants of this wonderful Club for their dedication and hard work in bringing us this incredible display.