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Date(s) - 08/21/2024
10:30 am - 3:30 pm

Bowen Arts Center


Anne Hope has been teaching for over 16 years and is a certified Bob Ross instructor. She will take you through each step to complete a 12″ x 16″ oil painting in only four hours. All supplies are included and no experience is needed to attend this class. Just bring a roll of paper toweling and wear old clothes or paint smock to avoid splatters.

Anne is currently living in Georgia and has endless reference material to paint. Students will be working on the featured painting – Seascape – shown here.

Class cost is $75 and includes coffee, juice and muffins in morning and a light lunch with snacks. Class space is limited to 10 so please hurry and sign up! You must register and pay for the class in advance to reserve your place.

We look forward to seeing you.



includes all mat'ls, food, refreshments


Registration Information

Payment and Confirmation

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